Reposting some pics from the Muppet Rawk show that Keith and I were in. Enjoy.

For those that didn't make it out to the Muppet
Rawk show last night, here are some pics for you to check out. Lots of people came out to Ouch My Eye gallery to check out the art, and considering that people were still there around midnight, when I left, it looked like everyone had a good time.

The guy pointing the camera in the above pic is Lawrence
Ruelos, one of the art pimps responsible for putting together the show. The other art pimp that had a hand in putting the Muppet mayhem, together was Dev
Madan. That's him below, um, pointing me to the bar, yeah, that's what he's doing.

What kind of show update would this be with out the obligatory, overhead, gallery shot? You can just make out the projector in the top left corner. They were showing Muppet show clips all night which added to all the madness.

Most of the art was 12"x 12". (album cover size of course) Besides myself, only one other artist did 24"x24" paintings. You can kind of make out my painting on the left wall on the end.
I didn't get good pics of all the pieces, so here are a few shots of just a hand full of the paintings.

Here's Jordan
Kotzebue riffing on a
G'n'R' album cover with the Electric Mayhem Band. Easily the most represented set of characters of the night.

Lovering did a great piece by painting right on the actual album cover. The colors were so perfectly matched on this thing. Todd is a madman.

There were also a handful of digital pieces. Travis
Kotzebue did his take of a Hendrix cover.

Dev and I were the only ones that did Iron Maiden covers. Here's his take on the self titled Iron Maiden with Bert in place of the Eddie character that's always on their album covers.

Jaime Burton did a killer AC/DC cover with the Electric Mayhem.

I was glad to see Grover represented in the show. Karin did a killer job on this Def
Leppard cover, High 'n' Dry.

Keith, from
Kustom Kulture Gallery in New York did a cool digital piece of
Kiss's Rock and Roll Over.

Jay Z (no, not the rapper, duh) threw out some Purple Rain action. Just glad he didn't bring doves to the show for the unveiling of his painting. If that was the case, I would hope that they would be
muppet doves.

McEvoy did a cool Elmo vs
Motorhead peice. Apologies to the artists who's names I don't
know. Except for Ricky's Police cover with digital representations of his

I was talking to Joe
Kresoja about his
Dio cover, and I think he agrees with me. Next time, NO COVERS WITH CHAINS! Sucks to draw, and sucks to paint. You'll see what I mean when you see the Maiden cover I did.

Another digital piece done for the show was Memo
Diaz doing
GnR. Robert Williams did the
original cover. I thought Memo was crazy for taking that on, but he came through. Hard to see form the pic, but there are little
Zoot characters flying around
Animals's head.

All in all, a great show. Thanks to Ouch my Eye, and everyone that came out for the show. Always good to see some new and old faces. I'll post the piece I did for the show soon. Still putting together the scanned pieces. Not easy scanning a 24"x "24 painting on a tiny scanner and then piecing it together. Check back soon for that...........